The processing watchdog currently performs 5 calculations across all IQ data samples from a single recording. Below is the pseudo-code explain what each calculation consists of:

  1. Average:

    numpy.mean = sum of the given data/total number of data

  2. Maximum:

    numpy.max = the maximum value along a specified axis

  3. Median:

    numpy.median = returns the median of the array elements

  4. Standard Deviation:

    numpy.std = the square root of the average of the squared deviations from the mean

    $$ std = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum^N_{i=1}(x_i-\bar{x})^2} $$

  5. Spectral kurtosis:

    $$ spectral\ kurtosis = \frac{ms_2}{s^2_1-1}\frac{(m+1)}{m-1} $$


    m = the number of samples in data (i.e. its length)

    s1 = all data summed up

    s2 = the sum of squared data